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Community safety takes all of us

Click here to report anti-social and disruptive behaviour in Mosman Park.

Domestic Violence and Crisis Support

The Town is committed to ensuring Mosman Park continues to be a safe and welcoming place to live. If you or someone you know is experiencing a life threatening emergency, call 000 now.

Mosman Bay Foreshore currently closed

The cyclone in WA's north has resulted in high tides and erosion to the foreshore wall, making the area unsafe for public use.

Detection of the Queensland fruit fly in WA

Parts of Mosman Park have been included in the QFLY red quarantine zone. People who live or work within this zone need to take immediate action. Click here

Building application forms

Lodging a building application

Building applications and further information or amended plans can be lodged online by emailing

Building application forms, certificates and notices

Please note your building permit application will not be accepted without submitting the relevant building application checklist for the type of works you are undertaking.

If you are submitting amended plans or further information for an active (i.e. not yet determined) building permit, you will need include the Further Information / Amended Plans cover sheet with your package.

BA1 Application for building permit – certified


Application to construct where a practicing building surveyor has reviewed the application and issued a Certificate of Design Compliance (BA3) stating that the building will comply with each applicable building standard if the building is completed in accordance with the specified plans and specifications. (10 business day processing timeframe)
BA2 Application for building permit – uncertified


Application to construct where the Town of Mosman Park’s building surveyor will review the application and issue a Certificate of Design Compliance (BA3) (25 business day processing timeframe)
BA5 Application for demolition permit


Application to demolish a structure. A licence is required in Western Australia for certain types of demolition works. Only a licence holder or an employee of a licence holder may carry out this type of work. (10 business day processing timeframe)
BA7 Notice of completion Notice to a permit issuer that work on a Class 1 or 10 (residential) project has finished and is completed.
BA8 Notice of cessation Notice to a permit issuer that work on a project that work has been stopped but is not completed. Often used if a new contractor is appointed. A new building permit must be issued before work can recommence.
BA9 Application for occupancy permit


Notice to a permit issuer that work on a Class 2-9 project has finished and is completed and an application to certify work is of an acceptable standard. Occupancy Permit must be issued before the building starts to be used.
BA11 Application for occupancy permit strata Notice to a permit issuer that work on a Class 2-9 project in a strata complex has finished and is completed and an application to certify work is of an acceptable standard. Occupancy Permit must be issued before the building starts to be used.
BA13 Application for building approval certificate


Retrospective application for building work that was commenced without a relevant approval.
BA15 Application for building approval certificate – strata Retrospective application for building work that was commenced without a relevant approval.
BA18 Certificate of Building Compliance A CBC is required in order to change the use or classification of a building, to obtain building approval for built strata, or to obtain approval for unauthorised work.
BA19 Request to amend building permit An application to make a minor amendment to an approved building permit. Generally used to replace the builders details on the permit if a Notice of Cessation has not been lodged, or substituting building materials. Any significant change to the design will require a new building permit to be issued and may require reassessment for a Development application.
BA20 Notice and request for consent to encroach or adversely affect To be used when works will encroach on a neighbouring property or the proposed design indicates that the building, when completed, will reduce the stability, bearing capacity of the land or a building or structure on the land; damage a building or structure on the adjoining land; or change the natural site drainage that reduces the effectiveness of the drainage on the land or existing or future buildings or structures on the land.
BA20A Notice and request for consent (response notice): Protection structures, party walls, removal of fences, access to land To be used when  a temporary or permanent protection structure (such as piling or retaining walls) is placed beyond the boundaries of the land on which work is being carried out; the structural, water-proofing or noise insulation capacity of a party wall, a substantial dividing fence or a boundary retaining wall that protects adjoining land is affected; boundary structures such as fences or gates are removed; or, building workers require access to adjoining land for the work or to conduct a survey in relation to the work.
BA22 Application to extend time – building or demolition permit Application to extend the time to complete bulding or demolition works. Permits are normally issued for 1 or 2 years and either a Notice of Completion, Application for Occupancy Permit or application to extend time must be recieved before the permit expires.
BA23 Application to extend time – occupancy permit or building approval certificate Application to extend the time to complete remedial works to meet conditions of an occupancy permit or building approval certificate.

If you are unsure as to what application form you need, please contact us.

These forms are regularly updated, so ensure that you always download a new form before lodging it as old forms will not be accepted after their revision date.