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Community safety takes all of us

Report anti-social and disruptive behaviour online with the Town and Department of Communities here. For police presence call 131 444.

Underground Power Project update

What's the latest and next steps

Changes to submitting Building Permits

Important - plans submitted as part of a Building Permit application must match the plans associated with the approved DA otherwise an amended DA will be required.

Domestic Violence and Crisis Support

The Town is committed to ensuring Mosman Park continues to be a safe and welcoming place to live. If you or someone you know is experiencing a life threatening emergency, call 000 now.

Development Assessment Panels

On the 1st July 2011, the State Government introduced legislation to implement Development Assessment Panels (DAPs). The purpose of a DAP is to determine higher value development applications in place of Local Governments and their Elected Members.

Each DAP has five (5) members consisting of three (3) specialist members and two (2) Local Government Councillors. A DAP is considered to provide a balance between experts and local knowledge in the decision making process whilst providing transparency, consistency and reliability to the development application process. The Town of Mosman Park is located within the boundary that is subject to the designated Metro Inner DAP.

Application Types
Prior to the 1st March 2024, applications could be ‘Mandatory’ if they met certain thresholds, or ‘Opt-In’ outside of those thresholds. Following a suite of changes made to the DAP system on 1st March 2024, there is no longer a requirement for a mandatory assessment of a proposal via the DAP pathway. Instead, an applicant may choose to have the DAP determine an application provided it meets the following requirements:

  • The proposal has an estimated cost of $2 million or more; or
  • Contains, in some form, community housing that is to be provided by a registered community housing provider.

The intent of this process is to make the DAP a fully voluntary application pathway for someone to consider. However, certain types of development are not permitted to be considered by the DAP. These are applications for:

  • a single house and any associated carport, patio, outbuilding and incidental development; or
  • development in an improvement scheme area; or
  • a public work (for example, the installation of a playground by the Town within a park); or
  • development located within an area identified as a regional reserve under state legislation.

Lodging a DAP Application
A standard application for planning approval must be submitted to the Town, along with a DAP application form. The Town carries out the preliminary assessment of the application, which may include referring the application to other relevant bodies, advertising the application, reviewing submissions and preparing the Responsible Authority Report (RAR) with a recommendation for the DAP. The DAP takes the recommendation from the Town into account when determining the application. For further information on Town of Mosman Park development application requirements, please click here.

Details and forms to assist with lodging a DAP application can be found here.

For further detailed information about DAPs and processes please refer to the following link:


Recent DAP Applications within the Town of Mosman Park

Date Address Proposal Outcome
5th May 2023 Lot 6 (No.16) Glyde Street 8 Storey Mixed Use Development Approved, subject to conditions
17th December 2021 No. 8 & 10 (Lots 4 & 5) Glyde Street Demolition of existing shops and proposed multiple storey dwelling, restaurants and shop within 11 storey structure Approved, subject to conditions
18th November 2021 No.40 (Lot 12) & No. 42 (Lot 4) Glyde Street Minor modifications to previous approval Approved, subject to conditions
1st October 2020 No.40 (Lot 12) & No. 42 (Lot 4) Glyde Street 9 storey mixed use development (54 apartments and 3 commercial tenancies) Approved, subject to conditions

The agendas and minutes for these applications can be found here.