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Community safety takes all of us

Report anti-social and disruptive behaviour online with the Town and Department of Communities here. For police presence call 131 444.

Underground Power Project update

What's the latest and next steps

Changes to submitting Building Permits

Important - plans submitted as part of a Building Permit application must match the plans associated with the approved DA otherwise an amended DA will be required.

Domestic Violence and Crisis Support

The Town is committed to ensuring Mosman Park continues to be a safe and welcoming place to live. If you or someone you know is experiencing a life threatening emergency, call 000 now.

Access to information

Privacy Statement 

It is important to note that the Information Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act apply only to Commonwealth and ACT Government Agencies. The Public Sector in Western Australia, including Local Government, is legally unaffected by the Commonwealth Privacy Legislation. 

The Western Australian Public Sector is bound to privacy and confidentiality by Common Law duty of confidentiality and in Acts that govern Agencies. 

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1992 gives individuals the right to apply for access to information and documents held by the State Public Sector agencies which includes: Government Departments, Local Authorities, Statutory Authorities and Ministers. 

Under FOI Legislation, access to information may be refused if it is believed that providing access would be a breach of the privacy of another person.  

The Town of Mosman Park may collect and hold personal information throughout various records and databases. The Town will only use personal information and market research for the primary purpose for which it was collected. 

The Town will take reasonable steps to retain confidentiality of any personal information by maintaining a secure system for storing of information, by the utilisation of appropriate technologies and will protect such information from unauthorised access, improper use, alteration, unlawful or accidental destruction or accidental loss.

Use of information Provided 

The Town of Mosman Park will not sell, rent out or in any other way allow unauthorised users access to the information you provide on this website. In particular, we will not supply your information to businesses for promotional purposes. 


Officers at the Town are permitted to access your information only as required for the performance of their duties. Councillors may only access such information as appears on the Rate Roll or Electoral Roll. 


The Town of Mosman Park may provide your information to appropriate authorities and other parties as required by law, regulation or court order. This includes for example public disclosure of the details of winning tenders and discussion of planning applications with other relevant bodies, assessors and contractors. 


The Town may use your details to send you newsletters and other material, including by email. 


The Town may from time to time use external contractors in information technology, web design and data management to process your details; these suppliers are subject to privacy requirements matching those observed by the Town. 

 If you have any queries regarding the privacy of your information, please contact the Town’s Freedom of Information Coordinator on 9383 6600 during office hours.

The Freedom of Information Act 1992 gives individuals the right to apply for access to documents held by the State Public Sector agencies which includes: Government Departments, Local Authorities, Statutory Authorities and Ministers.

Before lodging a Freedom of Information request, contact the Towns FOI coordinator on 9383 6600 and ask about the specific information you wish to access. You may well find that an FOI request is not necessary.

In a situation where an FOI request is necessary, it should be lodged in writing with enough details to enable the requested documents to be identified. An address in Australia and a contact telephone number and e-mail address, should be provided.

There is an application lodgment fee of $30 and charges for dealing with the application.

However, no fee applies to requests for your own personal information.

Application Form

Information Statement

Section 5.94 of the Local Government Act 1995 (Act) lists categories of information commonly held by local governments that may be inspected by the public on request, subject to the restrictions listed in section 5.95 of the Act

Request for Owner & Occupier Details Information Page

Request for Owner & Occupier Details Application Form

The Town of Mosman Park will, where possible, provide copies of approved building plans on request to building owners.

You can apply to access copies of your approved building plans here.