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Community safety takes all of us

Click here to report anti-social and disruptive behaviour in Mosman Park.

Domestic Violence and Crisis Support

The Town is committed to ensuring Mosman Park continues to be a safe and welcoming place to live. If you or someone you know is experiencing a life threatening emergency, call 000 now.

Mosman Bay Foreshore currently closed

The cyclone in WA's north has resulted in high tides and erosion to the foreshore wall, making the area unsafe for public use.

Detection of the Queensland fruit fly in WA

Parts of Mosman Park have been included in the QFLY red quarantine zone. People who live or work within this zone need to take immediate action. Click here


Public Interest Disclosure

Public Interest Disclosures (PID) is the reporting of improper conduct within local government, state public sector and public universities.

A disclosure is not just a general complaint. It must relate to something that affects the rights, health or finances of the public; and must show serious wrong doing by a public authority, staff member or contractor when performing their job.

Disclosures can be made about a number of serious issues, including corruption, misuse of public resources, dishonest administration, or danger to public health and safety.

Before making a disclosure, you should contact a Public Interest Disclosure officer to find out:

  • How to make the disclosure and who you should disclose to
  • Your rights and responsibilities
  • The protections that will apply
  • Whether the information you have is covered by the Act.

It is important to check whether your information is true, or is likely to be true. Making false or misleading disclosures is an offence.

To be protected under the Act you must make your disclosure to a proper authority. A PID officer will help you with this.

If you wish to make a Public Interest Disclosure about the Town of Mosman Park to an external independent PID officer, you may do so through:

  • The Public Sector Commission
  • The Corruption and Crime Commission for serious misconduct
  • Western Australia Police for criminal matters
  • Ombudsman Western Australia for matters governing administration affecting individuals
  • Equal Opportunity Commission Western Australia for matters regarding discrimination.

The same protections apply if you make a disclosure through the Town or through one of the above alternative avenues.

Your identity is protected under the Public Interest Disclosure Act. However, in certain circumstances, we are obliged to disclose identifying information regarding your disclosure.

If the discloser consents to having their identity revealed to assist us in dealing with the disclosure, our PID officer will record this using the Town’s Consent to Identify Form. 

For more information on confidentiality, please refer to the Procedures document

Fear of reprisal is one reason why people rarely make public interest disclosures.

The PID Act provides legal protections against workplace reprisals. However, all disclosures must adhere to the Procedures and be made through the appropriate channels.

You will:

  • have your identity protected
  • will not be subject to any civil, criminal or administrative liability for making a disclosure, unless the disclosure is knowingly false or misleading
  • have no contractual or other remedy enforced or sanction imposed on you on the basis of making the disclosure
  • have absolute privilege for the purposes of defamation proceedings in respect of the public interest disclosure
  • not have a contract to which you are a party terminated on the basis of the disclosure.
  • Manager Governance and Risk
  • Manager People & Culture

If you wish to lodge a Public Interest Disclosure, please contact the Town’s Public Interest Disclosure (PID) Officer’s on (08) 9383 6600 or at

Supporting documents:

Public Interest Disclosure Procedure

Public Interest Disclosure Lodgement Form

Don’t be Afraid to Speak Up


Complaints Handling Policy