Water is an essential of life, supporting all forms of life on planet Earth.
It is found in the air, oceans, rivers, streams and wetlands, which work together to form the water cycle.
Unfortunately, there is only a fixed amount of water on the earth and only 3% of it is fresh! The availability and quality of water is one of the most important environmental challenges of our time. Especially for us in Australia, being the driest inhabited continent in the world.
Our dependence on groundwater is high. Over two-thirds of Perth’s water supply comes from groundwater. In Mosman Park, we rely on a very thin freshwater lens perched above the salt water lens. The salt water lens connects the river and sea beneath the peninsula. If we draw too much water, our bores may become saline (salty) and unusable.
Herbicides and fertilisers
As we are situated in close proximity to the river and sea, Council follows best practice guidelines in the application of herbicides and fertilisers. Use of selective herbicides to control broad leaf turf weeds in parks is seasonal and on an as-required basis. Fertilisers are not used within 500m of water bodies. External contractors engaged by Council to apply herbicides and fertilisers are licensed and experienced operators who strictly follow manufacturer’s recommendations.
Click here for information on best practice herbicide use in and around waterways
Residents are encouraged to limit their use of fertilisers in their private gardens and nature strips. We can limit our fertiliser use by converting grassed verges to native gardens, go to the Your Nature Strip page for more information. Choose phosphorus free brands and use a nitrogen to phosphorus to potassium (N:P:K) ratio of 10:0:6.
Stormwater is the water that runs off from roofs and roads and other surfaces. The Town of Mosman Park has a localised infiltration drainage system, where soakage pits direct over 85% of the stormwater falling or flowing into the Town and then into the groundwater aquifer. This recharges the aquifer and helps to prevent saltwater intrusion caused by overuse of bore water.
Did you know that underneath Centenary Park is a complex system of buffer tanks and pipes? As rainfall declines in Perth, due to climate change, and more homes are being equipped with bores, the draw on the thin freshwater lens is increasing, thus creating a threat to our water supply.
Click here for a brochure on how to use our groundwater sustainably.
Think Water
Think Water is a regional water conservation education programme. The key messages are:
Fertilise Wise – by limiting fertiliser use we can prevent phosphates from soaking into the aquifer and causing dangerous algal blooms.
Plant a local native garden – save water and fertiliser, increase biodiversity and attract local wildlife.
Save water in the garden – reduce your lawn cover and plant local natives.
Groundwater – limit groundwater use and help to look after our precious aquifer.
ICLEI Water Campaign
The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is a not-for-profit membership organisation of local governments. The ICLEI Water Campaign aims to improve water quality and promote water conservation by providing a framework to address the management of water resources on two levels, water quality and water conservation. Councils go through a five-step milestone process. The Town of Mosman Park has achieved Milestone 4 ‘Corporate’ and ‘Community’.
Waterwise Council
The Town of Mosman Park is a Waterwise Council. We have significantly reduced water consumption by retrofitting community facilities and public toilets with water efficient toilets, urinals, showers and taps, hydrozoning in parks and reserves and encouraging waterwise gardening by offering the annual Native Plant Subsidy Scheme.
Also, The Grove Precinct demonstrates cutting edge water conservation technologies with treating and reusing stormwater and wastewater on-site, rainwater harvesting, waterless urinals and Australia’s first 5-star rated toilet. The Grove is a great place for the community to learn about water conservation technologies that they can apply in their own home.
Many local government authorities draw groundwater from aquifers that are close to reaching their sustainable limit. This may impact on community assets such as parks, reserves and gardens due to uncertain water availability.
The Town of Mosman Park is committed to decreasing our dependence on the aquifer by hydrozoning, which involves converting under-utilised areas of our parks and reserves, such as corners and edges, to low-growing local native vegetation. This will not impact on available grassed areas for active or passive recreation.
Hydrozoning will help us protect our precious aquifer, enhance biodiversity and provide habitat for fauna such as the endangered Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo.