Poultry and pigeons
Poultry includes chickens, fowls, bantams, ducks and other domestic fowls.
An owner or occupier of premises who is not an Affiliated Person* shall not keep a combined total of more than 12 poultry and pigeons, or who is an Affiliated Person, shall not keep a total of more than 50 pigeons and 12 poultry, on any one lot of land.
*Affiliated Person – means a person who is a member of a properly constituted poultry and pigeon Club.
Conditions for keeping poultry and pigeons
A person who keeps or permits poultry or pigeons to be kept must ensure:
- that no poultry is able to approach, or pigeons kept within 6 metres of a dwelling house, public building, street or right-of-way or premises where people are employed or where food is stored, prepared, manufactured or sold
- that all poultry and pigeons are kept within properly constructed and securely fastened structures, enclosures or cages
- that all structures, enclosures or cages within which poultry or pigeons are kept are provided with concrete floors trowelled to a smooth finish and laid with a fall of 1 in 50 to the front, maintained at all times in a clean and sanitary condition.
An owner or occupier of premises shall not, without the written approval of the Council, keep or permit to be kept on those premises:
- a rooster
- a goose or gander
- a turkey
- a peacock or peahen.
Parrots include parrots, cockatoos, galahs, corellas and the like.
A person who keeps, or permits to be kept parrots must ensure:
- parrots are not permitted to approach within 6 metres of a dwelling house, public building or premises where people are employed or where food is stored, prepared, manufactured or sold
- subject to clause (c), cages are to be located at least 6 metres from a dwelling house, public building or premises where people are employed or where food is stored, prepared, manufactured or sold 1.2metres from the boundary of adjoining properties
- the approval of the Environmental Health Officer is to be obtained before a cage is kept closer than 6 metres. Council approval will be granted subject to conditions specific to the property in which the parrots are located and surrounding properties
- all cages shall be kept in a clean condition to the satisfaction of the Principal Environmental Health Officer.
Nuisance caused by birds
An owner or occupier of land shall not keep any bird or birds which:
(a) are or create a nuisance
(b) emit an unreasonable noise.
The Environmental Health Officer may direct the owner or occupier to remove any bird or birds that are or create a nuisance and/or emits an unreasonable noise.