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Community safety takes all of us

Click here to report anti-social and disruptive behaviour in Mosman Park.

Domestic Violence and Crisis Support

The Town is committed to ensuring Mosman Park continues to be a safe and welcoming place to live. If you or someone you know is experiencing a life threatening emergency, call 000 now.

Mosman Bay Foreshore currently closed

The cyclone in WA's north has resulted in high tides and erosion to the foreshore wall, making the area unsafe for public use.

Detection of the Queensland fruit fly in WA

Parts of Mosman Park have been included in the QFLY red quarantine zone. People who live or work within this zone need to take immediate action. Click here

Poultry and birds

Poultry and pigeons

Poultry includes chickens, fowls, bantams, ducks and other domestic fowls.

An owner or occupier of premises who is not an Affiliated Person* shall not keep a combined total of more than 12 poultry and pigeons, or who is an Affiliated Person, shall not keep a total of more than 50 pigeons and 12 poultry, on any one lot of land.

*Affiliated Person – means a person who is a member of a properly constituted poultry and pigeon Club.

Conditions for keeping poultry and pigeons

A person who keeps or permits poultry or pigeons to be kept must ensure:

  • that no poultry is able to approach, or pigeons kept within 6 metres of a dwelling house, public building, street or right-of-way or premises where people are employed or where food is stored, prepared, manufactured or sold
  • that all poultry and pigeons are kept within properly constructed and securely fastened structures, enclosures or cages
  • that all structures, enclosures or cages within which poultry or pigeons are kept are provided with concrete floors trowelled to a smooth finish and laid with a fall of 1 in 50 to the front, maintained at all times in a clean and sanitary condition.

An owner or occupier of premises shall not, without the written approval of the Council, keep or permit to be kept on those premises:

  • a rooster
  • a goose or gander
  • a turkey
  • a peacock or peahen.


Parrots include parrots, cockatoos, galahs, corellas and the like.

A person who keeps, or permits to be kept parrots must ensure:

  • parrots are not permitted to approach within 6 metres of a dwelling house, public building or premises where people are employed or where food is stored, prepared, manufactured or sold
  • subject to clause (c), cages are to be located at least 6 metres from a dwelling house, public building or premises where people are employed or where food is stored, prepared, manufactured or sold 1.2metres from the boundary of adjoining properties
  • the approval of the Environmental Health Officer is to be obtained before a cage is kept closer than 6 metres. Council approval will be granted subject to conditions specific to the property in which the parrots are located and surrounding properties
  • all cages shall be kept in a clean condition to the satisfaction of the Principal Environmental Health Officer.

Nuisance caused by birds

An owner or occupier of land shall not keep any bird or birds which:

(a) are or create a nuisance
(b) emit an unreasonable noise.

The Environmental Health Officer may direct the owner or occupier to remove any bird or birds that are or create a nuisance and/or emits an unreasonable noise.