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Community safety takes all of us

Click here to report anti-social and disruptive behaviour in Mosman Park.

Domestic Violence and Crisis Support

The Town is committed to ensuring Mosman Park continues to be a safe and welcoming place to live. If you or someone you know is experiencing a life threatening emergency, call 000 now.

Mosman Bay Foreshore currently closed

The cyclone in WA's north has resulted in high tides and erosion to the foreshore wall, making the area unsafe for public use.

Detection of the Queensland fruit fly in WA

Parts of Mosman Park have been included in the QFLY red quarantine zone. People who live or work within this zone need to take immediate action. Click here

Rates and payments

We’re here to ensure paying your rates online is an easy and seamless experience. You can opt to make your payments online via the links below, or by visiting us in person at our Administration Building.

Pay your rates online HERE

Credit card payments will incur surcharges as below:

  • Visa and MasterCard – 0.6%
  • American Express (Amex) – 0.8%

Payment of rates in instalments

Rates may be paid in four instalments at bi-monthly intervals. Details of the amounts due and payment dates are included on the first rate notice issued during the year for your consideration.

Pensioners/Seniors Rebates

Pensioners/Seniors who own a property or have a right to reside at the property under the terms of a will may be entitled to rebates as follows:

Seniors Card                                                                                   up to 25% (capped at $100.00)

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card and Seniors Card                up to 50% (capped at $750.00)

Pensioner Concession Card or a State Concession Card              up to 50% (capped at $750.00)

Applications are made through the Water Corporation. If you’d like more information on this, call 9383 6600.


Eligible pensioners may defer the payment of rates via written request.

Financial Hardship

If you are unable to pay the rates by the due date please complete the Financial Hardship Application form and email completed application and supporting documents to

An application must be in writing and should be made as soon as possible after receiving your rates notice.

Penalty for Late Payment

With the exception of eligible pensioners and seniors, interest will be charged on all overdue accounts calculated daily at the rate of 11% per annum.

Would you like to receive your rates notice by email?

Register for eRates and follow the prompts. This option applies to the annual rates notice and instalment reminders only. Interim rate notices and reminders will continue to be sent by post.

Please use your Assessment Number as the Reference. This can be found at the top right hand corner of your rates notice and will start with an ‘A’.

To update your eRates registration details please complete the registration process again. The new registration will overwrite the existing details.

If you wish to update your details with the council, please complete the below form and return to

Change of Details

As required under the Valuation of Land Act the Valuer General’s Office supplies each local government with updated valuations for their district. The valuations are reviewed by the Valuer General each three years.

All property valuations for rating and taxing purposes are calculated by the Valuer General’s Office. The office is staffed by qualified valuers who use a uniform system of valuing to ensure that similar valuation principles apply to all situations.

The Valuer General’s Office also provides local governments with interim values at times between revaluation years. Interim values are issued when the nature of a property changes; for example, when a property is subdivided, zoned for another use, improvements are made to the property or following the demolition of a building.

When interim values are received by local governments they are required to issue new rate assessments effective from the date of the change in use as determined by the Valuer General. These may result in a rate increase or decrease for the balance of the year, depending on the nature of the change.

To preserve rate relativities, all valuations within a district are based on the same year. Accordingly, interim values are determined by assuming that the new use of the property existed at the time of the last revaluation.

The above is a simplified description of how the valuation system works. The system is complex and further information on this subject can be obtained from the Valuer General’s Office on 9273 7373 or via their website

Gross Rental Values

The term Gross Rental Value (GRV) is defined in the Valuation of Land Act. In simple terms, the Gross Rental Value is the annual rental that a property could be expected to realise (on the condition that the landlord is liable for rates, taxes, insurance and other ongoings necessary to maintain the value of the land):

eg. for a property with a net weekly rental of $700.00
$700 x 52 weeks in the year = $36,400 (Gross Rental Value)

Objections and appeals against valuations

Appeals against valuations must be made to Landgate (Valuer General) on
(08) 9273 7373 within 60 days of the receipt of the rate notice.

Information on lodging an objection is available at Landgate

Rates must be paid in full, and adjustment if required, is made after the result of the appeal has been determined.

Within 21 days of disposal, notice must be given in writing to the Council whenever any person sells or otherwise disposes of any rateable land, advising of the description of the land and the name and address of the purchaser.

Any person failing to comply with the foregoing shall continue to be liable for all rates and charges accruing upon such land in the same manner as if that person is still the owner thereof.

As required under the Valuation of Land Act the Valuer General’s Office supplies each local government with updated valuations for their district. The valuations are reviewed by the Valuer General each three years.

All property valuations for rating and taxing purposes are calculated by the Valuer General’s Office. The office is staffed by qualified valuers who use a uniform system of valuing to ensure that similar valuation principles apply to all situations.

The Valuer General’s Office also provides local governments with interim values at times between revaluation years. Interim values are issued when the nature of a property changes; for example, when a property is subdivided, zoned for another use, improvements are made to the property or following the demolition of a building.

When interim values are received by local governments they are required to issue new rate assessments effective from the date of the change in use as determined by the Valuer General. These may result in a rate increase or decrease for the balance of the year, depending on the nature of the change.

To preserve rate relativities, all valuations within a district are based on the same year. Accordingly, interim values are determined by assuming that the new use of the property existed at the time of the last revaluation.

The above is a simplified description of how the valuation system works. The system is complex and further information on this subject can be obtained from the Valuer General’s Office on 9273 7373 or via their website

Gross Rental Values

The term Gross Rental Value (GRV) is defined in the Valuation of Land Act. In simple terms, the Gross Rental Value is the annual rental that a property could be expected to realise (on the condition that the landlord is liable for rates, taxes, insurance and other ongoings necessary to maintain the value of the land):

eg. for a property with a net weekly rental of $700.00
$700 x 52 weeks in the year = $36,400 (Gross Rental Value)

Objections and appeals against valuations

Appeals against valuations must be made to Landgate (Valuer General) on
(08) 9273 7373 within 60 days of the receipt of the rate notice.

Information on lodging an objection is available at Landgate

Rates must be paid in full, and adjustment if required, is made after the result of the appeal has been determined.