BUSH FIRES ACT 1954 – Section 33
To prevent the outbreak, spread or extension of a bush fire which may occur, all owners and occupiers of land within the Town of Mosman Park, are required to undertake the following work on or before the 30th day of November, or within 14 days of becoming an owner or occupier after that date.
To prevent the outbreak, spread or extension of a bush fire which may occur, all owners and occupiers of land within the districts of the above local Authorities are required to undertake the following work on or before the 30 November, or within 14 days of becoming an owner or occupier after that date:
Residential Land – Slash all grass and clear all inflammable matter on the land to a height no greater than 50mm and to maintain all grass and all inflammable matter on the land at a height no greater than 50mm up to and including 31 March.
All Other Land – Create a fire break that is clear of all inflammable matter on the land to a height no greater than 50mm and for width of no less than three meters from immediately inside the external boundaries of the property. Where there are trees in the fire break, they must be trimmed back to provide a vertical clearance of a minimum of three and a half meters to allow fire appliances to drive along the fire break.
If it is impracticable for any reason to clear firebreaks or take measures in accordance with this notice, you may apply in writing to your Council before 15 November for permission to implement alternative measures to prevent the outbreak or spread of a bush fire. If permission is not granted in writing by your Council, you shall comply with the requirements of this notice.
Pursuant to the powers contained in the Bush Fires Act 1954, burning garden refuse and lighting fires in the open air is prohibited without a permit.
An owner or occupier of the land who fails or neglects to comply with this notice given pursuant to section 33 of the Bush Fires Act 1954 within the time specified in this notice, commits an offence and is liable to pay a penalty up to $5,000. A person in default is also liable, whether prosecuted or not, to pay the cost of performing the work directed in this notice if it is not carried out by the owner or occupier by the date required by this notice.
Verge Maintenance – Your Council principally relies on residents for the improvement and maintenance of nature strips. Council encourages nature strips to be maintained by the adjacent owner/occupier in support of the Bush Fires Act requirements under this notice.
Carissa Bywater, Chief Executive Officer
Town of Mosman Park