The 2021-22 Budget is focused on revitalising parks, future-proofing infrastructure, and bringing an energy and vibrancy back to Mosman Park.
This is an equitable Budget that demonstrates the prudence of our Administration and Council. We’ve looked carefully at where we can make cost savings to balance the significant external costs of which the Town has no control over.
This Budget will greatly improve the liveability of our Town, so that Mosman Park continues to not only be a suburb of choice and desirability; but a place to live, visit and do business.
We’re investing in new playground equipment and improving streetscapes to maintain a suburb of idyllic green spaces and beautiful places.
We’re strengthening our strategic planning to manage growth and ensure thoughtfully-designed buildings that honours the heritage and character of Mosman Park.
We’re deepening our communication and engagement with you on the things that matter to you most.
We’re streamlining internal systems and connecting information seamlessly across the organisation to deliver an enhanced customer experience that meets twenty first century expectations. For example, rather than having to register your dog in person – you will be able to save time and do this easily online.
And — we’re stepping up to enhance good governance. We are investing in more time and resources in this important area so that you can feel confident knowing that all decisions we make are fair, transparent and governed by a robust process that holds us accountable for everything we deliver to our community.
Unlike last year, this year sees rates increase by 3.48%. This is necessary for the Town to maintain services at a level that our community expects and deserves.
It must be said that rates increases are not decided upon lightly by Council. These decisions are made with our community front of mind – now and for the future.
With that being said, there is a zero net increase in waste charges this year and there is no increase in the minimum rate.
Your rates will allow us to continue to adapt as an organisation so that our community can thrive well into the future despite the challenges that are thrown at us.
But – these ever-evolving hurdles are not behind us just yet. With your support, we’ll be working as hard as ever to deliver essential services, as well as ensure our residents and local businesses, remain at the heart of all our decision-making.
Finally, this Budget maps out the first year of the new draft Strategic Community Plan; and shapes our plan to re-imagine Mosman Park, build upon our inclusiveness, and move another step closer to our vision of Excellence, Connection and Accountability.